Friday, December 7, 2007

Sometimes the oldies are the goodies.

Baby #2's Dipes, originally uploaded by Fluttering By.

So my first Pattern release was my newest pattern and I'm happy to say that it's been a hit and I'll be printing more this weekend as I'm just about sold out in one week. I'm also happy to announce that I am working on releasing the second printed pattern. My diaper pattern. It's the first "kids" pattern I made, dating back over two years ago. There will be instructions on how to make FOE covers, as seen here (these were Molly's that I sewed up before I knew she was a she and I had a chance to meet her eye to eye), Fitted diapers, and AIO all in one pattern.

I am so excited about this one! Hope you are too.


Deb said...

Hi! I just bought your pattern from Very Baby. I haven't started yet, I did my tracings for size M and my goal is to make some PUL covers, a couple of AIOs (for my DH who is lazy ;) ) and a bunch of fitteds.

Here's my question: I need advice on which fabrics to use for the inner and soaker layers. Here's what I have:
Microfiber Terry
Cotton Velour
Bamboo Velour (not a ton of it left)
I'm trying to figure out how many layers for each soaker for each fabric, and which would work best with your sewing methods.
Also, if I want to make an AIO with printed knit on the outside and PUL for waterproof on the inside under the inner layers, do I put shiny side facing the decorative outside or facing in, or doesn't it matter? Is this even how you do it?
Finally, the directions for the covers and the FOE...My photos are very gray and hard to see, do you have pictures that are clearer to look at to see what you're doing to round the corners? Thanks!!

Ashley Doodle said...

I'm curious if you know of places to buy PUL that is printed like the pul you have in these unless it's not pul.
