Thursday, May 29, 2008

Add-on for the Sprightly Soaker Pattern

You can now sew in an extra layer for better protection against wicking! The download is for all sizes and works great even overnight! I've even had a tester make training undies with this :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

XXS Little Starter Free Download!

My friend recently gave birth to a 6lb and change baby and her nb diapers were huge! I came up with an XXS pattern, just for her :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sprightly Soaker, Now Available!

This one pattern is actually two, no wait three... or is it four? The soaker has two options, boy-cut and high cut and you can make fleece covers to fit over diapers, or follow the size chart to make two styles of underwear for your older little ones!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Side Snapping Option!

In my original directions I left it up to you all where you'd like the snaps to be on the side snapping version of the LSCD. I feel that one of the main advantage of ss (side snapping) diapers is that they can be tailored to fit your baby. If you have a larged thighed, skinny waisted baby chances are you would stagger your snap postition in an arrangement something like this:

Inversely, if your baby needs more room in the waist, you'd stagger the other way.

If you are making the diaper for a newborn, gift, or "average" baby, you can use my suggested snap placement. Available to download here! Send me pictures :)